Saturday, March 31, 2007

Write anonymous scraps

Write anonymous scraps

1) Create a fake (new) profile.

2) Send the scraps, posts or the testimonials you wish to become anonymous.

3) Delete the just created fake account. All the posted material will become anonymous automatically.


Best and worst profile , album or scrapbook

Best and worst profile , album or scrapbook

Tell your friends about the 'Best Profile on Orkut' or the 'Worst Profile on Orkut'. Whenever someone clicks on the link, he will see his own profile. Works like a magic.

Universal Profile

Universal Album

Universal Scrapbook

Who was online recently ?

Who was online recently ?

Who was online recently ?

Know who among your friends is online.

Just visit your homepage on orkut and see your friend list under the heading my friends. The links to your friends' profiles are arranged in a manner that the name of the person who has done any last activity on orkut is shown as the first.

Rainbow couloured scrap

Rainbow couloured scrap

Colorize your scraps with this fine javascript.
Write like this

For writing multi colored scrap, follow the steps:

1) Open any scrapbook.

2) Write your message in the scrap. Do NOT click on submit.

3) Copy the text from this site

Rainbow couloured scrap

Orkut everywhere ! Now on SMS, Brazil first , then the world !

Orkut everywhere ! Now on SMS, Brazil first , then the world !

In yet another proof of Google's master plan of world domination, the highly addictive Orkut service is now available through SMS (short messaging service (the long form is for those who don't understand SMS generation short forms, but then they wont know what SMS is anyway. ) )

So, now according to them , you can send scraps from the bus, bar or bathroom, and your friends can get notified of those scraps when on bicycle, beach or bed. Very interesting, huh ?

Well, it's supposed to start in Brazil first in the first week of February (so it's active on Valentine's Day). Think of the extra mobile SMS traffic clogging up the cellphone networks there ...

Whatever be, it just goes to show that Google with Orkut and all the Google services is gonna take over the whole of Cyberia. First Brazil, then the world !! (ha ha .. Sounds like the rant of a crazed mad scientist bent on taking over the world, doesn't it ? )

Now, Google's (come on, Orkut is Google too) going to enter the cells (cellphone or mobile phone) in Brazil, then (don' trust me on this) they're gonna enter each and every living creature's cells (and put it up on Google Earth or Google Maps so that everybody is tracked with GPS and stuff)

Disclaimer: All I wanted to say is that Orkut is now available via SMS in Brazil, and soon in the rest of the world.